Launching of a European Cross-border Citizens’ Alliance

« Borders at the heart of tomorrow’s Europe »
Dear members of the MOT network, dear stakeholders of cross-border cooperation,
At a time when Europe is at a turning point and is about to decide on its budget and political guidelines for the period 2021/27, the MOT, AEBR* and CESCI**, are launching a European Cross-border Citizens’ Alliance, which is addressed to the European and national authorities so that they recognise the importance of cross-border cohesion as the cement of the European Union.
“We call on elected officials, local authorities, public or private cross-border structures and (cross)border citizens to support this Alliance and to join us by becoming a signatory: click here.“
To consult the launching text of the Alliance: click here.
During the covid-19 crisis, cross-border territories were the best illustrations of the strengths and weaknesses of the European Union. If the crisis has put a strain on cooperation, it has also revealed interdependencies and cross-border solidarity initiatives, when even European states started to act in an unilateral way.
Cross-border territories are at the heart of European issues, they are laboratories for preparing the transition to new models of economic and ecological development, citizen involvement, crisis management and territorial cohesion. This is why the Alliance advocates, on behalf of cross-border territories throughout Europe, that European and national decisions should in future provide more resources and powers to border authorities in order to deepen their cooperation across the borders. Cross-border territories are at the heart of Europe, and living together and European citizenship are being built in cross-border territories.
As part of a collaborative approach, we invite you to contribute to the development of the final text of the Alliance by sending your input by 15 September to:
The Alliance will be developed and enriched based on your contributions, and officially presented at the 1st BORDERS FORUM on 9 and 10 November 2020 in Paris. For more information on the BORDERS FORUM: click here.
We remain at your disposal for any further information.
With my best regards,
* Association des régions frontalières européennes / Association of European Border Regions
** Central European Service for Cross-Border Initiatives
Directeur général - Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière